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Frequently asked questions
What is Latinos RunLatinos Run is a national organization that promotes running as way to improve physical and mental health of the Latino community. Check our about page to learn more.
How do I join Latinos RunBecoming a member in Latinos Run is easy! Simply click join to final a local chapter and join their Facebook Group. Each Facebook Group page connects you with local runners in your area.
Can I join Latinos Run if there are no chapters in my area?Yes! Latinos Run is open to members everywhere. Join our national Facebook Group Page and learn more about our national events.
Is there a fee to join?Latinos Run believes that running should be accessable to everyone. We do not charge any membership fee to be a part of our community.
Where can I buy Latinos Run gear?Latinos Run Shop has a full stock of Men's and Women's clothing and accessories year-round. We also do pre-sale on certain items a few times a year.
How can I start a Latinos Run chapter in my area?Latinos Run is committed to having safe spaces in communities across the country. Want to start a group in your area? Click here to apply. Latinos Run limits the amount of groups per year.
How do I become a team Ambassador?Becoming a Latinos Run Ambassador is a 2 year commitment. Please make sure to join a local group prior to applying. Clear here to apply.
Are there any national meetups?Yes! Make sure to join our national Facebook Group Page to see upcoming national events.
What is your shop policy?You can learn more about our shop policy here.
Is there a women's only group?Yes, Latinos Run has a sister group Latinas Run which focuses on women and women identifying runners only.
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